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You've carefully chosen your fabric, selected a pattern, and completed piecing your top - it's time to quilt your quilt! At Not Your Mama's Quilt Store, we have two options to bring your project closer to completion!

Master Quilter

Not Your Mama’s Quilt Store is proud to partner with award-winning Master Quilter Lynne Haley of Sapphire Quilting to offer longarm quilting services to our customers. Starting at just 2.8¢ per square inch for E2E (edge-to-edge) quilting, you will have the option to customize your quilting pattern, thread color choices, batting, and binding options. Bring your quilt in to our store, and we will help you select thread color, a quilting pattern, and any other items needed - and then leave your quilt at our store for Lynne to pickup. We will give you a call as soon as your quilt is completed and ready for pickup at our store. Click HERE for more details. 

Drop Off Service

We now offer drop-off service to be quilted in-house at Not Your Mama's. Just bring your quilt(s) into the store during regular business hours and we'll add you to the queue! Choose the thread color and quilting pattern, and we will give you a call once it's completed. Drop-Of Services start at 2.5¢ per square inch for E2E (edge-to-edge) quilting. To determine the square inches of your quilt top, multiply the length x width by .025 . There is a minimum charge of $40.00. 

In addition to edge-to-edge quilting services, we also offer the following services:

  • Seaming quilt backing is a $10 charge per seam.
  • Quilt Trimming is a $10 charge.
  • Binding services: We have a team member who can make and/or sew your binding to your quilt. 

No matter which option you choose, we know you will be thrilled with the results! Here's some tips to consider before submitting your quilt top for quilting services:

  • Please remember that your backing fabric should be a minimum of 4 inches larger than your quilt top on each edge (meaning a combined minimum of 8 inches in width and 8 inches in length). When it comes to backing, bigger is alway better - don't cut it down to 4 inches exactly. 4 Inches is the minimum - 6 inches is awesome and 10 inches is fantastic! 
  • Your quilt backing should be square - a wavy edge can cause problems loading it onto the frame correctly. 
  • Don’t cut the selvedges from your backing's edges. Selvedges provide a straight edge for loading the backing onto the frame and will make your longarmer do a happy dance! As for the selvedges within the seam of your backing, that is up to you - some quilters prefer to cut it off and others do not. We do, however, recommend using a 1/2" seam for your backing (instead of a 1/4") if possible to provide extra stability.
If you have any questions, please give us a call! We'd be happy to answer all your questions to help make your experience as "seamless" as possible!

Tips & Tricks:

How to add borders to your quilt so your longarmer will love you! HERE